On the constant roll complex scalar field inflationary models

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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In this paper we wish to point out the possibility of using a complex scalar field in a constant roll inflationary model, as needed for observational viability. We extend the idea of real field inflaton with constant rate of roll to a complex field, showing the feasibility of solving Einstein Klein-Gordon equations constrained by an \emph{appropriate} form of constant roll definition. As compared to the well known (two-parametric class of) real field models, there is one more degree of flexibility in constant roll inflationary solutions which is represented by an arbitrary function of time, $\gamma(t)$. We work with an arbitrary but constant function $\gamma$ (where $\gamma=0$ refers to the corresponding real field model) and find new inflationary class of potentials. In this class of models, the behavior of real and complex field models are similar in some aspects, for example the solutions with large constant roll parameter are not stable and should be considered as early time transients. These field solutions relax at late time on a dual attractor trajectory. However, complex fields phase space trajectories reach this stable regime after real fields.
inflationary models,complex scalar field,constant roll
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