Creating meeting grounds for transdisciplinary climate research: the role of humanities and social sciences in grand challenges

Katherine Lieberknecht,Heather Houser,Adam Rabinowitz,Suzanne A. Pierce, Lourdes Rodríguez,Fernanda Leite, Jonathan Lowell, Jennifer Nelson Gray

Interdisciplinary Science Reviews(2022)

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In this position paper, we use the example of The University of Texas at Austin's Planet Texas 2050 (PT2050) to argue that the Grand Challenge (GC) framework for ambitious research initiatives must create meeting grounds for transdisciplinary integration of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), arts, and humanities, along with community perspectives. We trace the historical trajectory of GCs, and reframe GC initiatives within the literature of inter- and transdisciplinarity. We present PT2050 as a case study of the infrastructural supports and imaginative process for creating level meeting grounds for transdisciplinarity. We demonstrate the benefits of these meeting grounds through projects, products, and funding generated. We contend that engaging arts, humanities, and community in co-design from the beginning is critical because complex, urgent challenges such as the climate crisis are embedded in human societies and demand solutions based in understanding of social, cultural, and historical contexts as well as STEM applications.
Grand challenges,transdisciplinary research,arts and humanities,climate change,community partnerships
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