Robot Companion, an intelligent interactive robot coworker for the Industry 5.0

F. Gosselin,S. Kchir, G. Acher, F. Keith, O. Lebec,C. Louison,B. Luvison, F. Mayran de Chamisso,B. Meden, M. Morelli, B. Perochon, J. Rabarisoa,C. Vienne, G. Ameyugo

2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)(2022)

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To overcome the limitations of the so-called Industry 4.0 focusing on mass production and full automation, a novel paradigm was recently introduced, namely Industry 5.0, which aims at an increased collaboration between humans and machines, and particularly robots, instead of replacing the former with the latter. This challenge requires novel interactive intelligent robots able to perform complex tasks easily and efficiently and to collaborate on the fly with humans whenever required, be it for training or working. In this work, the Robot Companion, a novel demonstrator of this paradigm, is introduced. It combines robotics, Artificial Intelligence, software engineering and embedded systems technologies, and targets industrial assembly tasks. First tests show that this robot can efficiently assemble a representative gear system autonomously or in collaboration with human operators.
artificial intelligence,gear system autonomously,human operators,industrial assembly tasks,Industry 4.0,Industry 5.0,intelligent interactive robot coworker,interactive intelligent robots,machines,mass production,robot companion,robotics,software engineering
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