Leveraging Multiple Types of Domain Knowledge for Safe and Effective Drug Recommendation

Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(2022)

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ABSTRACTPredicting drug combinations according to patients' electronic health records is an essential task in intelligent healthcare systems, which can assist clinicians in ordering safe and effective prescriptions. However, existing work either missed/underutilized the important information lying in the drug molecule structure in drug encoding or has insufficient control over Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) rates within the predictions. To address these limitations, we propose CSEDrug, which enhances the drug encoding and DDIs controlling by leveraging multi-faceted drug knowledge, including molecule structures of drugs, Synergistic DDIs (SDDIs), and Antagonistic DDIs (ADDIs). We integrate these types of knowledge into CSEDrug by a graph-based drug encoder and multiple loss functions, including a novel triplet learning loss and a comprehensive DDI controllable loss. We evaluate the performance of CSEDrug in terms of accuracy, effectiveness, and safety on the public MIMIC-III dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that CSEDrug outperforms several state-of-the-art methods and achieves a 2.93% and a 2.77% increase in the Jaccard similarity scores and F1 scores, meanwhile, a 0.68% reduction of the ADDI rate (safer drug combinations), and 0.69% improvement of the SDDI rate (more effective drug combinations).
Drug recommendation, Electronic Health Records, Healthcare, Deep Learning
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