Estrous Cycle Mediates Midbrain Neuron Excitability Altering Social Behavior upon Stress

Mary R. Shanley,Yuka Miura,Christopher A. Guevara,Amanda Onoichenco, Rufina Kore, Emine Ustundag, Rania Darwish, Lauren Renzoni,Ashley Urbaez, Ella Blicker, Alec Seidenberg,Teresa A. Milner,Allyson K. Friedman

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience(2023)

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The estrous cycle is a potent modulator of neuron physiology. In rodents, in vivo ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine (DA) activity has been shown to fluctuate across the estrous cycle. Although the behavioral effect of fluctuating sex steroids on the reward circuit is well studied in response to drugs of abuse, few studies have focused on the molecular adaptations in the context of stress and motivated social behaviors. We hypothesized that estradiol fluctuations across the estrous cycle acts on the dopaminergic activity of the VTA to alter excitability and stress response. We used whole-cell slice electrophysiology of VTA DA neurons in naturally cycling, adult female C57BL/6J mice to characterize the effects of the estrous cycle and the role of 17 beta-estradiol on neuronal activity. We show that the estrous phase alters the effect of 17 beta-estradiol on excitability in the VTA. Behaviorally, the estrous phase during a series of acute variable social stressors modulates subsequent reward-related behaviors. Pharmacological inhibition of estrogen receptors in the VTA before stress during diestrus mimics the stress susceptibility found during estrus, whereas increased potassium channel activity in the VTA before stress reverses stress susceptibility found during estrus as assessed by social interaction behavior. This study identifies one possible potassium channel mechanism underlying the increased DA activity during estrus and reveals estrogen-dependent changes in neuronal function. Our findings demonstrate that the estrous cycle and estrogen signaling changes the physiology of DA neurons resulting in behavioral differences when the reward circuit is challenged with stress.
dopamine,estrogen,estrous cycle,potassium channel,stress,ventral tegmental area
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