An Empirical Study on Performance Bugs in Deep Learning Frameworks

2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)(2022)

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Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) applications are becoming more popular due to the availability of DL frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. Therefore, the quality of DL frameworks is essential to ensure DL/ML application quality. Given the computationally expensive nature of DL tasks (e.g., training), performance is a critical aspect of DL frameworks. However, optimizing DL frameworks may have its own unique challenges due to the peculiarities of DL (e.g., hardware integration and the nature of the computation). In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on the performance bugs in DL frameworks. We conduct our study on TensorFlow and PyTorch by identifying the performance and non-performance bugs by mining the GitHub repositories. We find that 1) the proportion of newly reported performance bugs increases faster than fixed performance bugs, and the ratio of performance bugs among all bugs increases over time; 2) performance bugs take more time to fix, have larger fix sizes, and more community engagement (e.g., discussion) compared to non-performance bugs; and 3) we manually derived a taxonomy of 12 categories and 19 sub-categories of the root causes of performance bugs by studying all performance bug fixes. Finally, we present some actionable implications for researchers and developers.
empirical,software engineering,machine learning,deep learning,performance bugs
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