A Secure Lightweight Authentication Scheme in IoT Environment with Perfect Forward and Backward Secrecy

2022 7th International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS)(2022)

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Emerging cutting-edge technology can change the daily life of human beings, for instance, smart transportation, intelligent healthcare systems, Smart cities, etc. Human can use their device to access other devices remotely to collect and utilize the information for their work. Internet of Things is the backbone of the autonomous environment aforesaid. However, IoT uses the public channel to transmit information, and it opens the opportunity for attackers to intercept, delete, and modify data. Therefore, security is an imperative aspect of IoT technology. One of the critical security features is perfect forward and backward secrecy. This article proposes new protocol authentication using biometrics and Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) with the primary security feature of achieving Perfect Forward and Backward Secrecy (PFBS). Our protocol also achieves other security features such as anonymity, unclonable device, and mutual authentication. In addition, we conduct informal and formal analyses to prove that the protocol achieves security features.
IoT,PFBS,informal and formal analyses
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