Orthogonal waves and currents interacting with a fixed rippled bed

2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea)(2022)

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Wave and currents often are simultaneously present in coastal areas. In fact, currents originated by tides, by temperature or salinity gradients, by waves approaching the coast obliquely and so on, coexist with waves, giving rise to complex non-linear interactions. At the seabed the combined flow modifies the boundary layer structure depending on the bed roughness type. In particular, sandy bottoms are often modelled to form small scale sedimentary structures called ripples. This work presents some results of an experimental campaign which was carried out within the Hydralab+ WINGS project, aimed at investigating the effects of orthogonal waves and currents over a rippled bed. In this framework, velocity profiles along the water column and surface wave data were acquired. Close to the bed a couple of recirculating cells were identified along the ripple flanks, which are weakened by the current superposition with respect to the wave only case.
Rough seabed,wave current interaction,vorticity,velocity profiles
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