A Theoretical Classification of Organizational Success Factors for Workplace Learning Analytics

Alyssa Whale,Brenda Scholtz

2022 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp)(2022)

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When training is conducted in the workplace and data are stored based on training interactions, the data often remain unexploited. These data need to be analyzed, visualized and interpreted by various stakeholders to make better business decisions, which can be achieved by Workplace Learning Analytics (WLA). However, it is not clear what factors influence the success of WLA projects. There is a noticeable gap in WLA research, specifically for success factors of WLA. This paper reports on a Systematic Literature Review that was conducted to identify key organizational success factors that can be used to plan and measure the success of WLA. The findings show that stakeholder commitment and strategy alignment; data, information and knowledge quality; and skills are three of the most highly cited organizational success factors for WLA. The contribution of the paper is the set of success factors classified according to the constructs of the DeLone & McLean Information Systems (IS) Success Model. This classification assisted with understanding the factors and their relationship with the success of WLA, which is one type of IS. The comprehensive set of nine organizational success factors can be used by companies in the workplace to plan and/or measure the success of WLA.
learning analytics,workplace learning analytics,success factors,WLA
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