Slip Anticipation for Grasping Deformable Objects Using a Soft Force Sensor.

IEEE/RJS International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS)(2022)

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Robots using classical control have revolutionised assembly lines where the environment and manipulated objects are restricted and predictable. However, they have proven less effective when the manipulated objects are deformable due to their complex and unpredictable behaviour. The use of tactile sensors and continuous monitoring of tactile feedback is therefore particularly important for pick-and-place tasks using these materials. This is in part due to the need to use multiple points of contact for the manipulation of deformable objects which can result in slippage with inadequate coordination between manipulators. In this paper, continuous monitoring of tactile feedback, using a liquid metal soft force sensor, for grasping deformable objects is presented. The trained data-driven model distinguishes between successful grasps, slippage and failure during a manipulation task for multiple deformable objects. Slippage could be anticipated before failure occurred using data acquired over a 30 ms period with a greater than 95% accuracy using a random forest classifier. The results were achieved using a single sensor that can be mounted on the fingertips of existing grippers and contributes to the development of an automated pick-and-place process for deformable objects.
grasping deformable objects,slip anticipation,force
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