Interaction-Aware Moving Target Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicles Motion Planning

2022 European Control Conference (ECC)(2022)

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This paper investigates an integrated traffic environment modeling and model predictive control (MPC) system to realize interaction-aware dynamic motion planning of an autonomous vehicle with multiple surrounding vehicles. The interaction-aware interacting multiple model Kalman filter (IAIMM-KF) from the literature is used to hierarchically predict maneuvers and trajectories of surrounding vehicles and to compute safe targets for the ego vehicle. The targets are terminal speed and reference lane, which are moving targets as they are updated at each time step. Then, an MPC controller is designed for the ego vehicle to generate an optimal trajectory by following the moving targets and including the prediction results to formulate collision-free constraints. The proposed interaction-aware planning method has a proactive planning ability and can avoid collisions by non-local replanning. The strengths and effectiveness of the approach are verified in challenging highway lane-change simulation scenarios.
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