Reinterpreting the work of Charles Breder: Sensory neuromasts and orbital skeleton variation in eyeless Astyanax cavefish

Developmental Biology(2023)

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Charles Breder, a pioneering researcher of blind Mexican cavefish was the first to note extreme variation in the facial skeleton of this intriguing subterranean-dwelling organism. Using a system of polar coordinate plots, he identified substantial dysmorphic changes affecting bones of the orbital skeleton. A complication of his landmark publication from 1944 was an error in the number of orbital bones depicted for this species. Intriguingly, however, he proposed an unknown “organizing force” likely influences final bone position and associated dysmorphia. At the time this was merely hypothetical. Roughly eight decades since its publication, however, insights into sensory influences on facial bone development may explain dysmorphia and variation in bone numbers for Astyanax cavefish. A morphological association between mechano-sensory neuromasts of the lateral line and dermal bones of the facial skeleton had been appreciated in the classical literature, but the polarity of this interaction has long remained unclear. Here, we propose that sensory-skeletal integration between sensory neuromasts and bones explain the incomplete numbers of bones, and dysmorphic features such as fusion between neighboring elements. We propose that in closely-related surface fish (and most teleost fish) this developmental coupling enables the sensory and skeletal systems to become integrated into a functional unit over the course of life history. In this opinion article, we discuss the relevance of this (poorly understood) phenomenon as a potential evolutionary source of variation in the facial bone structures of taxa across deep geologic time. We provide three potential explanations for the error in Breder's drawings, that may be explained by natural developmental variation documented in other related species. Moreover, we argue that the natural variation in this “evolutionary” model system is useful for explaining diverse cranial features by uniting aberrations occurring during embryogenesis with long-term adult dysmorphia.
Mexican tetra,Intramembranous bones,Lacrimal,Jugal,Synostosis
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