Microfluidics facilitating the use of small extracellular vesicles in innovative approaches to male infertility

Nature Reviews Urology(2022)

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Sperm are transcriptionally and translationally quiescent and, therefore, rely on the seminal plasma microenvironment for function, survival and fertilization of the oocyte in the oviduct. The male reproductive system influences sperm function via the binding and fusion of secreted epididymal (epididymosomes) and prostatic (prostasomes) small extracellular vesicles (S-EVs) that facilitate the transfer of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids to sperm. Seminal plasma S-EVs have important roles in sperm maturation, immune and oxidative stress protection, capacitation, fertilization and endometrial implantation and receptivity. Supplementing asthenozoospermic samples with normospermic-derived S-EVs can improve sperm motility and S-EV microRNAs can be used to predict non-obstructive azoospermia. Thus, S-EV influence on sperm physiology might have both therapeutic and diagnostic potential; however, the isolation of pure populations of S-EVs from bodily fluids with current conventional methods presents a substantial hurdle. Many conventional techniques lack accuracy, effectiveness, and practicality; yet microfluidic technology has the potential to simplify and improve S-EV isolation and detection.
Diagnostic markers,Infertility,Nanoscience and technology,Proteins,Medicine/Public Health,general,Urology
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