Photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the Type II SN 2020jfo with a short plateau


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We present high-cadence photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN~2020jfo in ultraviolet and optical/near-infrared bands starting from $\sim 3$ to $\sim 434$ days after the explosion, including the earliest data with the 10.4\,m GTC. SN~2020jfo is a hydrogen-rich Type II SN with a relatively short plateau duration ($67.0 \pm 0.6$ days). When compared to other Type II supernovae (SNe) of similar or shorter plateau lengths, SN~2020jfo exhibits a fainter peak absolute $V$-band magnitude ($M_V = -16.90 \pm 0.34$ mag). SN~2020jfo shows significant H$\alpha$ absorption in the plateau phase similar to that of typical SNe~II. The emission line of stable [Ni~II] $\lambda$7378, mostly seen in low-luminosity SNe~II, is very prominent in the nebular-phase spectra of SN~2020jfo. Using the relative strengths of [Ni~II] $\lambda$7378 and [Fe~II] $\lambda$7155, we derive the Ni/Fe production (abundance) ratio of 0.08--0.10, which is $\sim 1.5$ times the solar value. The progenitor mass of SN~2020jfo from nebular-phase spectral modelling and semi-analytical modelling falls in the range of 12--15\,$M_\odot$. Furthermore, semi-analytical modelling suggests a massive H envelope in the progenitor of SN~2020jfo, which is unlikely for SNe~II having short plateaus.
techniques: photometric,techniques: spectroscopic,galaxies: individual: M61,supernovae: general,supernovae: individual: SN 2020jfo
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