A search for planetary transits on a set of 1.4 million multisector DIAmante light cur


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I report the results of a new search for transiting planets on a set of 1.4 million light curves extracted from TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs) using the DIAmante pipeline. The data come from the first 2 yr of observations of TESS (Sectors 1-26) and the study is focused on a sample of FGKM dwarf and subgiant stars optimized for the search of transiting planets. The search was performed on the detrended and stitched multisector light curves applying the Box-fitting Least Squares algorithm and a Random Forest classifier. I present a catalogue of 1160 transiting planet candidates, among which 842 are novel discoveries. The median radius of the transiting bodies in the catalogue is 6.8 R-circle plus. The radii range from 0.8 R-circle plus to 27.3R(circle plus), while the orbital periods range from 0.19 to 197.2 d with a median of 3.6 d. Each candidate is accompanied by a validation report and the corresponding DIAmante light curve. The material is available at CDS, on the ExoFOP website and on the DIAmante portal at MAST.
techniques: photometric,planets and satellites: gaseous planets,planets and satellites: terrestrial planets catalogues,planets and satellites: fundamental parameters,binaries: eclipsing
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