State-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging sequences for pediatric body imaging

Pediatric radiology(2022)

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Longer examination time, need for anesthesia in smaller children and the inability of most children to hold their breath are major limitations of MRI in pediatric body imaging. Fortunately, with technical advances, many new and upcoming MRI sequences are overcoming these limitations. Advances in data acquisition and k-space sampling methods have enabled sequences with improved temporal and spatial resolution, and minimal artifacts. Sequences to minimize movement artifacts mainly utilize radial k-space filling, and examples include the stack-of-stars method for T1-weighted imaging and the periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction (PROPELLER)/BLADE method for T2-weighted imaging. Similarly, the sequences with improved temporal resolution and the ability to obtain multiple phases in a single breath-hold in dynamic imaging mainly use some form of partial k-space filling method. New sequences use a variable combination of data sampling methods like compressed sensing, golden-angle radial k-space filling, parallel imaging and partial k-space filling to achieve free-breathing, faster sequences that could be useful for pediatric abdominal and thoracic imaging. Simultaneous multi-slice method has improved diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) with reduction in scan time and artifacts. In this review, we provide an overview of data sampling methods like parallel imaging, compressed sensing, radial k-space sampling, partial k-space sampling and simultaneous multi-slice. This is followed by newer available and upcoming sequences for T1-, T2- and DWI based on these other advances. We also discuss the Dixon method and newer approaches to reducing metal artifacts.
Children,Compressed sensing,Dixon,Golden angle,Magnetic resonance imaging,Metal artifact reduction,Parallel imaging,Pulse sequences,Simultaneous multi-slice,Stack-of-stars,k-space
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