Comprehensive analysis of N6-methyladenosine-related lncRNAs reveals distinct hepatocellular carcinoma subtypes with immunotherapeutic implications.

American journal of translational research(2022)

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Accumulating studies have demonstrated critical roles of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the biological processes leading to occurrence, development and chemoresistance of cancers. However, the specific identities and functional roles of lncRNAs associated with m6A modification in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain elusive. In this study, eighty-two prognostic m6A-related lncRNAs (m6A-LncRNAs) were identified in HCC datasets. Patients with HCC were classified into three subtypes (C1, C2 and C3) based on the expression of the m6A-LncRNAs. The three subtypes showed significant differences in clinical features, immune and stromal infiltration signatures, and immunotherapy sensitivity. Subclass C1 was notable for high immune and stromal cell infiltration and active immune responses, low serum α-fetoprotein (AFP) levels and high sensitivity to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). Subclass C2 showed high metabolic activities and absence of immune infiltration with favorable prognosis. Subclass C3 was associated with an exhausted immune environment, high serum AFP and poor prognosis. Notably, subclass C3 displayed high expression of immune checkpoints but failed to respond to ICIs. Finally, 12 m6A-LncRNA signatures were identified for HCC classification and validated in an external dataset. This integrated analysis indicated that the interactions between m6A methylation and lncRNAs are involved in immune and stromal cell infiltration in HCC, and may provide novel insights into precision diagnostics as well as therapeutics for HCC patients.
M6A,hepatocellular carcinoma,immune microenvironment
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