Exploring quantum phase transitions by the cross derivative of the ground state energy


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In this work, the cross derivative of the Gibbs free energy, initially proposed for phase transitions in classical spin models [Phys. Rev. B 101, 165123 (2020)], is extended for quantum systems. We take the spin-1 XXZ chain with anisotropies as an example to demonstrate its effectiveness and convenience for the Gaussian-type quantum phase transitions therein. These higher-order transitions are very challenging to determine by conventional methods. From the cross derivative with respect to the two anisotropic strengths, a single valley structure is observed clearly in each system size. The finite-size extrapolation of the valley depth shows a perfect logarithmic divergence, signaling the onset of a phase transition. Meanwhile, the critical point and the critical exponent for the correlation length are obtained by a power-law fitting of the valley location in each size. The results are well consistent with the best estimations in the literature. Its application to other quantum systems with continuous phase transitions is also discussed briefly.
quantum phase transition,density matrix renormalization group,quantum spin chain,cross derivative of Gibbs free energy,Gaussian type transition,strongly correlated systems
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