Poly I:C promotes malate to enhance innate immune response against bacterial infection.

Fish & shellfish immunology(2022)

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Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C) is a synthetic analog of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) that activates anti-infective innate immunity. The underlying mechanisms are identified as targeting pattern recognition receptors and Th1-inducing. However, whether poly I:C manipulates metabolism to implement this anti-infective function is unknown. Here, GC-MS based metabolomics was used to characterize metabolic profiles induced by different doses of poly I:C. Analysis on the dose-dependent metabolomes shows that elevation of the TCA cycle and malate with the increasing dose of ploy I:C forms the most characteristic feature of the poly I:C stimulation. Exogenous malate activates the TCA cycle and elevates survival of zebrafish infected with Vibrio alginolyticus, which is related to the elevated expression of il-1b, il-6, il-8, tnf-a, and c3b. These results reveal a previously unknown regulation of poly I:C that boosts the TCA cycle to enhance innate immunity against bacterial infection.
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