Brain structural abnormalities and cognitive changes in a patient with 17q21.31 microduplication and early onset dementia: a case report

Journal of Neurology(2022)

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Objectives We describe brain structural damage and cognitive profile evolution of an adult patient with 17q21.31 microduplication, a rare condition associated with psychomotor delay, behavioural disturbances and poor social interaction. Methods A.B., 57 years old, male, displayed obsessive and repetitive behaviours, irritability, scarce hygiene and memory loss at disease onset. He had strong familiarity for adult-onset behavioural alterations (his father and sister) and neuropsychiatric conditions (his son). Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples revealed 17q21.31 microduplication, shared also by his son and sister, and raised CSF tau, respectively. He was hospitalized 1 year after disease onset and underwent an MRI scan and a neuropsychological assessment, the latter being repeated 7 months later. To quantitatively investigate patient’s grey matter (GM) volume, 16 age- and education-matched male controls were selected and voxel-based morphometry analysis was performed. Results During hospitalization, his behavioural profile was characterized by anosognosia, impulsivity, apathy and aggressiveness. Cognitive testing revealed main attentive-executive disturbances and difficulties in understanding non-literal language. Compared to controls, A.B. had greater GM atrophy mainly in the right hemisphere, involving amygdala, hippocampus, inferior/superior temporal gyri and temporal pole. He received a diagnosis of early onset dementia. After 7 months, he developed empathy loss, perseverative behaviour, changes in eating habits and worsening in executive-attentive abilities. Conclusions In A.B., 17q21.31 microduplication caused a neurodegenerative condition with prevalent right temporal damage, raised CSF tau level, behavioural disturbances, memory impairment, attentive-executive and abstract language dysfunctions and fast disease progression, thus reflecting the complex interaction between such genetic substrate and clinical phenotypes.
17q21.31 microduplication, Young-onset dementia, Cognitive changes, Voxel-based morphometry, Case report
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