Legume-Based Cover Crop Mixtures Can Overcome Trade-Offs between C Inputs, Soil Mineral N Depletion and Residual Yield Effects

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

引用 2|浏览12
Cover crops can contribute to climate change mitigation through enhanced sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide into soil organic carbon. Few studies, however, have estimated the total carbon (C) input to soil, i.e. derived both from plant material (shoot and root) and phyllo- and rhizodeposition. Selection of cover crop species should account for multiple objectives, such as C inputs to soil, nitrate leaching reduction and positive residual effects on the following main crop. However, trade-offs between these objectives may occur. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the cover crop species winter rye, hairy vetch and oilseed radish, and to assess the ability of mixtures to overcome potential trade-offs. A randomized split-plot field trial was conducted to compare cover crop treatments and a weeded control under high and low soil nitrogen (N) availability. Multiple-pulse labeling with 14C-CO2 was carried out to trace net cover crop-derived rhizodeposition C. Soil mineral N was measured to 1.5 m depth in autumn, as well as grain and N yield in the subsequent spring barley.
Cover crops,Carbon input,Rhizodeposition,Soil mineral nitrogen,Legume-non-legume mixtures,Legumes,Leaching reduction,Yield effects
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