Smart and Novel Algorithm for Highway Overtaking Classification

Hamid Shimal Aldulaimi,Bassem Ben Hamed

2022 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)(2022)

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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) applications can pose serious issues to highway users if the rules for safe lane change (overtaking) between vehicles on the highway road are violated. It is a challenging task to make the right decision at the right time due to the high speed of the vehicles and the changing conditions on the highway. In this research paper, we propose a novel algorithm for cooperative lane change for semi-automated vehicles S-AV that emphasizes rules for safe passing between vehicles on the highway, and how can we find a way to make the right decision at the right time despite the high speed of the vehicles. We classify the types of safe overtaking between vehicles depending on road condition into major categories and critically analyzed them based on different performance criteria; this novel algorithm will contribute to increasing the comfort and safety of driving vehicles on the highway. Finally, we have included some open research issues related to VANETs that investigate how to ensure the timely decision of safe overtaking between vehicles on the highway is an important research challenge to inspire researchers to connect the S-AV with driver Bio-metrics to improve highway traffic safety.
Cooperative Lane-Change,Driver Assistant System,Overtaking,Speed Advisory,Vehicle ad hoc networks
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