Leveraging user behavior and data science technologies for management: An overview

Journal of Business Research(2023)

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This article introduces the special section on leveraging user behavior and data science technologies for management. It reviews 12 articles and discusses their contribution towards establishing a new dynamic paradigm of leveraging user behavior and data science technologies for management. User data has become a promising and relevant area to explore in order to improve decision-making. However, and despite increasing access to this kind of data, several challenges remain related to how to successfully collect, manage and incorporate user data to managerial decisions. In this special issue, we focus on exploring different facets related to impactful data practices in management as well as envisaging future developments related to new sources of user data and methods. Overall, the special issue contributes to deepening the understanding of data usage and management for business through a series of articles that highlight promising further developments in areas such as data collection, data disclosure and privacy, data usage and data analysis methods.
Data-driven strategy,User-generated data,Data science,Behavioral data,User-generated content
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