Soft Error Resilient Deep Learning Systems Using Neuron Gradient Statistics

2022 IEEE 28th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS)(2022)

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Deep learning techniques have been widely adopted in daily life with applications ranging from face recognition to recommender systems. The substantial overhead of conventional error tolerance techniques precludes their widespread use, while approaches involving median filtering and invariant generation rely on alterations to DNN training that may be difficult to achieve for larger networks on larger datasets. To address this issue, this paper presents a novel approach taking advantage of the statistics of neuron output gradients to identify and suppress erroneous neuron values. By using the statistics of neurons’ gradients with respect to their neighbors, tighter statistical thresholds are obtained compared to the use of neuron output values alone. This approach is modular and is combined with accurate, low-overhead error detection methods to ensure it is used only when needed, further reducing its cost. Deep learning models can be trained using standard methods and our error correction module is fit to a trained DNN, achieving comparable or superior performance compared to baseline error correction methods while incurring comparable hardware overhead without needing to modify DNN training or utilize specialized hardware architectures.
Neural Networks,Fault Tolerance,Resilience,Soft Errors
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