Design and Application of Load Side Resources Participating in Frequency Modulation Auxiliary Service Market Mechanism in China

2022 7th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE)(2022)

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At present, the generation units in the frequency modulation market in China has entered the market-oriented operation, while the market-oriented operation of the load side resources has not been started. This paper presents a mechanism design and system application of load side frequency modulation resources participating in frequency modulation auxiliary service market. Firstly, it analyzes the key mechanisms such as declaration, transaction clearing and settlement in the frequency modulation market. Secondly, the operation mechanism of load side regulation resources after participating in frequency modulation market and the operation interaction process with power market are designed. Then, build the clearing model of load side resources participating in frequency modulation auxiliary service market, and jointly clear the power market and frequency modulation market. Taking the provincial power system of frequency modulation auxiliary service market as an example, the relationship between frequency modulation auxiliary service market system and other systems is discussed. Through the market mechanism, the comprehensive optimization operation of the power grid is carried out, and the reserve capacity of the frequency modulation is effectively configured so as to achieve the goal of the lowest operating cost.
frequency modulation,load side resources,auxiliary service,power market
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