Temperature-induced methylome changes during asexual reproduction trigger transcriptomic and phenotypic changes in Fragaria vesca


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Plants must quickly adapt to a changing environment in order to maintain their fitness. One rapid adaptation mechanism that promotes plasticity is epigenetic memory, which may provide long-lived organisms the precious time needed to adapt to climate change. In this study, we used the perennial plant Fragaria vesca as a model to determine how the methylome and transcriptome adapt to elevated temperatures (28 vs. 18 °C) over three asexual generations. Changes in flowering time, stolon number, and petiole length were induced in responses to temperature treatment in one or more ecotypes after three asexual generations in a manner indicative of an epigenetic memory. Induced methylome changes differed between four different ecotypes from Norway, Iceland, Italy, and Spain, but there were also some shared responses. Elevated temperature conditions induced significant phenotypic and methylation changes, particularly in the Norwegian ecotype. Most of the differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were in the CHG context, and most CHG and CHH DMRs were hypermethylated. Notably, the four ecotypes shared only eight CHG DMR peaks. Several differentially methylated genes (DMGs) also showed a change in gene expression. Ecotype-specific methylation and expression patterns were observed for genes related to gibberellin metabolism, flowering time, epigenetics. Furthermore, when repetitive elements (REs) were found near (±2 kb) or inside a gene, they showed a negative correlation with gene expression. In conclusion, phenotypic changes induced by elevated temperatures during asexual reproduction were accompanied by changes in DNA methylation patterns. Also, positional influences of REs impacted gene expression, indicating that DNA methylation may be involved in both general and ecotype-specific phenotypic plasticity in F. vesca . ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
methylome changes,asexual reproduction trigger,phenotypic changes,temperature-induced
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