A Blockchain Solution for Secure Health Record Access with Enhanced Encryption Levels and Improvised Consensus Verification

IOT with Smart Systems(2022)

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Blockchain can be depicted as a permanent record, logging information in a decentralized way. This new innovation has been proposed to widen the horizons of information-driven spaces, including the medical information. Electronic medical records have recorded the course of event, improvement, and treatment of illnesses. So, it has high clinical worth. As healthcare information must be kept private and secure, information security and privacy preserving are the most crucial issues to be handled in healthcare. This paper analyzes and identifies the most pertinent security and privacy issues in existing healthcare systems. To resolve the privacy and security issues, blockchain innovation can act as a robust solution as blockchain technology uses cryptography and consensus verification as basic perspectives alongside decentralized architecture and immutable blocks of data. Various consensus and encryption algorithms of the blockchain technology have been studied in depth, and an overview has been presented in the paper. A novel blockchain-based patient health record (BB-PHR) system is proposed with improvised consensus mechanisms and enhanced encryption levels for medical data access control and protection in the paper. The system enforces consensus verification of patient and hospital administration both for maintaining privacy and tamper proof data access. Proposed system integrates encryption algorithms, access control mechanisms, and smart contract on a blockchain framework comprehensively to address the security and privacy vulnerabilities of a health record. With such a system, we can implement severe access and security control on healthcare information.
Blockchain, Patient health records, Consensus, Encryption, Privacy, Security
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