Research opportunities on virtual reality and augmented reality: a survey

M. Shanmugam, M. Sudha, K. Lavitha,V. Prasanna Venkatesan, R. Keerthana

2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN)(2019)

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Augmented reality(AR) is a technology that covers virtual objects into a real environment with real objects for better observer's knowledge. Virtual Reality (VR) enables user to interact with a computer-simulated environment which is either a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world. VR and AR are the key to explore, and touch the past, present and the future. They are the basis of creating one's own world, one's own custom-built reality. It enables users to design a video game to have a virtual stroll around the universe, to practice their own dream house, to experience a walk on an alien planet. We can learn by experiencing the most threatening and difficult situations by playing safe. Very few really know the basic principles of VR & AR and their open problems. In this survey, we present the historical overview of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, characteristics, and types of VR and AR systems. The requirements and challenges of typical VR and AR systems are illustrated.
Virtual Reality,Augmented Reality,Sensorama,NASA,Treating phobias
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