The Results of the Study of Gol Mod-2 Site by the Mongolian-Chinese Joint Archaeological Research Team

Erdenebaatar D., , Ligang Zh.,Wanli L., Bin L.,Mijiddorj E., Galbadrah B., , , , ,

Teoriya i praktika arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy(2022)

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As part of the Mongolian-Chinese joint archaeological project ‘Exploring Ancient Nomadic Culture in the North’, archaeological surveys, excavations and research activities were conducted in the Hanui River valley in the Arkhangai aimag of Mongolia from July 2017 to August 2019. Three field seasons at the Gol Mod-2 necropolis yielded rich results, which were partly published in Mongolian and Chinese scientifi c journals. In December 2019, one of the major discoveries of this collaborative project (the excavation of the Gol Mod 2 burial ground) was honoured as one of the ‘Top Ten Discoveries of 2019’ by American Archaeology Magazine. Thanks to the eff orts of Chinese and Mongolian scientists, the joint project successfully achieved its research goals. New material has been obtained to study the history of the interaction between agricultural and nomadic civilizations.
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