Climate change driven natural disasters and influence on poverty in the South Western Coastal Region of Bangladesh (SWCRB)

SN Social Sciences(2022)

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The southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh is constantly affected by cyclones, storm surges, and saline soil due to its geographical location and low-lying topography. Furthermore, climate change and sea level rise are expected to increase the frequency and intensity of these natural disasters. These disasters constantly devastate local rural communities, affect their income sources, and destroy local infrastructure, thus, promoting high rates of poverty, which prevent these communities from investing in disaster-resilient lifestyle. Thus, this study aims to visualize the population’s perception on poverty and the effect of natural disasters exacerbated by climate change within the Shyamnagar Upazila region to highlight the most pressing issues and propose policies to increase community resilience. A total of 320 households were surveyed for their observation through a qualitative questionnaire and quantitative in-depth interviews, FGD, case study, and group workshops. It was observed that 65% of the population was below the poverty line with a relatively low Gini coefficient of 28.5, and most of the infrastructure and livelihood options were extremely vulnerable to natural disasters. Cyclones, storm surges, and increased soil and freshwater salinity were identified as the main issues affecting the community livelihood and income sources. Similarly, the population was aware of anthropogenic climate change and sea level rise, as well as the subsequent present and future effects. However, the introduction of policies, such as microfinances and educational programs, can vastly increase the resilience of these communities through additional disaster-resistant income sources and adaptation measures presently and in the future.
Climate change, Natural disaster, Poverty and inequality, Community perception, Adaptation
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