Dense SIFT-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advance Computing and Intelligent Engineering(2022)

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Facial analysis is an active research topic in examining the emotional state of humans over the past few decades. It is still a challenging task in computer vision due to its high intra-class variation, head pose, suitable environment conditions like lighting and illumination factors in behaviour prediction and recommendation systems. This paper proposes a novel facial emotion representation approach based on dense descriptors for recognizing facial dynamics on image sequences. Initially, the face is detected using the Haar cascade classifer to extract the temporal information from the facial frame by applying a scale invariant feature transform by combining a bag of visual words. Later, the extracted high-level features are fed to machine learning algorithms to classify the seven emotions from the MUG dataset. The proposed dense SIFT clustering performance was evaluated on four different machine learning algorithms and achieved a high rate of recognition accuracy in all classes. In the experimental results, K-NN exhibits the proposed architecture’s effectiveness with an accuracy rate of 91.8% for the MUG dataset, 89% for SVM, 87.6% for Naive Bayes, and 85.7% decision tree, respectively.
Facial analysis, Human emotion recognition, Dense SIFT key points, k-means clustering, Bag of words
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