Private and Secure Blockchain-Based Mechanism for an Online Voting System

4th EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing(2022)

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Current electronic voting systems are prone to a range of security threats, including distributed denial of service attacks, polling booth arrangement, vote modification and manipulation, malware attacks, and so on, and they also incur huge organizational resources and time. Existing systems become distrustful as a result. This paper proposes a private and secure blockchain-based mechanism that improves the overall resilience of e-voting. A decentralized and distributed ledger was developed to provide a certain amount of privacy and security for an election by removing any type of tampering. Furthermore, cryptographic principles and a consensus protocol were used to ensure the legitimacy and legality of each transaction, making it safe and thereby strengthening the election process. Every vote cast by a voter through our website is added to the blockchain as a transaction, and the voter is represented by a single unique address allocated to him or her for voting. The proposed mechanism’s performance in terms of security, privacy, and scalability reveals that it reduces interference that could taint the integrity of a fair election.
Blockchain, Online voting, Private and secure, Solidity, Ganache, Truffle, MetaMask
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