Cortical somatostatin interneuron subtypes form cell-type specific circuits

Social Science Research Network(2022)

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The cardinal interneuron classes are a useful simplification of cortical interneuron diversity, but such broad subgroupings glosses over the molecular, morphological, and circuit specificity of interneuron subtypes, most notably among the somatostatin interneuron class. The organizing principles by which the connectivity of these subtypes is specified are unknown. To address this knowledge gap, we designed a series of genetic strategies to target the breadth of somatostatin interneuron subtypes. Using these strategies to target three subtypes that span the entire cortical column, we examined their afferent and efferent connectivity. Our data demonstrated that each of these possesses remarkable reciprocal connectivity with the intracortical or corticofugal pyramidal classes, as well as parvalbumin interneurons. Even when two interneuron subtypes shared the same efferent target, their synaptic targeting proved selective for particular dendritic compartments. We thus provide evidence that subtypes of somatostatin cortical interneurons form cell-type specific cortical circuits. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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