Autonomous Driving Control Based on the Perception of a Lidar Sensor and Odometer


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Recently, many artificial intelligence applications in smart cars have been utilized in real life. Making an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) capable of moving autonomously has become a critical topic. Hence, in this work, a novel method for a UGV to realize path planning and obstacle avoidance is presented using a deep deterministic policy gradient approach (DDPG). More specifically, the lidar sensor mounted on the vehicle is utilized to measure the distance between the vehicle and the surrounding obstacles, and the odometer measures the mileage of the vehicle for the purpose of estimating the current location. Then, the above sensed data are treated as the training data for the DDPG training procedure, and several experiments are performed in different settings utilizing the robot operating system (ROS) and the Gazebo simulator with a real robot module, TurtleBot3, to present a comprehensive discussion. The simulation results show that using the presented design and reward architecture, the DDPG method is better than the classic deep Q-network (DQN) method, e.g., taking fewer steps to reach the goal, less training time to find the smallest number of steps for reaching the goal, and so on.
unmanned ground vehicle, deep reinforcement learning, deep deterministic policy gradient, deep Q-network
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