Evaluation of the Symmetrically Switched Converter Structures on the Frequency Regulation of Standalone Micro Hydro Power Plants


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Micro hydro power plants (µHPP) are typically used to supply electric energy to microgrids outside the national power grids taking care of the frequency control of the isolated system. A conventional way to maintain the load balance in the system is to use thyristor switched AC-AC converters controlled dump loads. A disadvantage of the AC-AC converters is their reactive power consumption decreasing the power factor at the generator output. To avoid this problem the authors have earlier proposed two converter topologies utilizing symmetrical switching scheme resulting to zero reactive power consumption. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the frequency regulation loop performance of the dump load controlled single generator system by using the symmetrically switched converter structures. Evaluation is carried out by analyzing the performances of different converter structures in a simulator representing the operation of a Cuban µHPP “Los Gallegos”. The results showed that the frequency regulation loop performance using each proposed converter structure satisfied the Cuban standard of frequency regulation, but with the symmetrically switched structures reactive power consumption was reduced resulting to reduced losses and improved effective current delivery capacity of the generator.
frequency regulation,symmetrical switching,dump load
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