Analyzing the Quality of the Federal Territory Asnaf Entrepreneur Program Assessment Using the Rasch Model


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The Malaysian Federal Territory Religious Council has been distributing the Islamic zakat (religious tax) through the asnaf (zakat-recipient)-entrepreneur program in order to elevate the recipients' economic standing. To optimize the effort, research has been done to assess the effectiveness of the program through the typical survey instrument - research questionnaire On the other hand, the effectiveness of the questionnaire itself has to be evaluated. This study was designed and conducted solely to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of the questionnaire as the dependable research survey instrument. Analysis was done on the 77 items contained in the questionnaire by distributing them to 53 respondents from the asnaf group. The data obtained was subsequently analyzed using the Rasch measurement model. The quality of the survey instrument was assessed from three aspects: its reliability, item polarization, and rnmrcatihilitcr Chitrnrrip nf thie rr center dot enarrli indicates that the instrument item reliability index is high at r = 0.93 with Cronbach alpha 0.97 and separation value of 3.52. Up to 76 of the survey items could be used with the PTMEA CORR (item polarization) value at between +0.42logit and +0.77logit. The item compatibility test reveals a corresponding mean infit MNSQ and SD values at between +0.69logit and +1.35logit. One item, Q024, sits within the drop-out range with a negative PTMEA CORR value and outside the infit range of MNSQ (0.5 -1.5) and z-std (+l-2.0). As a whole, the survey instrument is deemed as good with the following recommendations: that one (1) item be dropped, two (2) items to be reconsidered, while the remaining 74 items to be maintained. The questionnaire is considered to be useful and usable for the same purpose by any researcher and agency or institution in any location across the nation.
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