Social Shaping of Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems over a Finite Horizon


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This paper studies self-sustained dynamic multiagent systems (MAS) for decentralized resource allocation operating at a competitive equilibrium over a finite horizon. The utility of resource consumption, along with the income from resource exchange, forms each agent's payoff which is aimed to be maximized. Each utility function is parameterized by individual preferences which can be designed by agents independently. By shaping these preferences and proposing a set of utility functions, we can guarantee that the optimal resource price at the competitive equilibrium always remains socially acceptable, i.e., it never violates a given threshold that indicates affordability. First, we show this problem is solvable at the conceptual level under some convexity assumptions. Then, as a benchmark case, we consider quadratic MAS and formulate the associated social shaping problem as a multi-agent LQR problem which enables us to propose explicit utility sets using quadratic programming and dynamic programming. Finally, a numerical algorithm is presented for calculating the range of the preference function parameters which guarantee a socially accepted price. Some illustrative examples are given to examine the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
associated social shaping problem,competitive equilibrium,decentralized resource allocation operating,dynamic programming,explicit utility sets,finite horizon,forms each agent,multiagent LQR problem,optimal resource price,paper studies self-sustained dynamic multiagent systems,preference function parameters,quadratic MAS,quadratic programming,resource consumption,resource exchange,socially accepted price,utility function
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