A Cross Sectional Study on Awareness and Knowledge of SARS CoV-2 and Vaccination among General Public

K. Shailaja, S. Benita,G. Dinesh Kumar, D. Harshidha, M. V. Mousigan

Archives of Current Research International(2022)

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Background Information: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The WHO declared it a global pandemic on March 12th, 2020. Government initiatives play a major role in limiting the spread of infection by educating people. Objectives: To assess the awareness and knowledge of COVID-19 and vaccination among general public. Methodology: A cross-sectional study as an online survey over a period of 6 months with 601 respondents. The information regarding the demographics was subjected to descriptive analysis. The study was conducted using a pre-tested semi-structured online Google form and a consent form obtained. Results: Among 601 participants, nearly 77% of respondents were practicing preventive measures. Nearly 68% of the respondent’s knowledge and awareness about the COVID-19 vaccination was in moderate level. Conclusion: During this pandemic, there were increased worries and apprehensions among the public regarding acquiring the COVID-19 infection. The disease is not eradicated completely, so it is necessary to educate the public continuously. It is not mandatory to stop the awareness-creating program, and advertising about the disease once the severity of the disease is reduced.
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