Developing a Chromatographic Tc-99m Generator Based on Mesoporous Alumina for Industrial Radiotracer Applications: A Potential New Generation Sorbent for Using Low-Specific-Activity Mo-99


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The commercial low-pressure column chromatographic Mo-99/Tc-99m generator represents a reliable source of onsite, ready-to-use Tc-99m for industrial applications. These generators use fission-produced Mo-99 of high specific activity, posing serious production challenges and raising proliferation concerns. Therefore, many concepts are aimed at using low-specific-activity (LSA) Mo-99. Nonetheless, the main roadblock is the low sorption capacity of the used alumina (Al2O3). This study investigates the feasibility of using commercial alumina incorporated with LSA Mo-99 to develop a useful Mo-99/Tc-99m generator for industrial radiotracer applications. First, the adsorption profiles of some commercial alumina sorbents for LSA Mo-99 were tested under different experimental conditions. Then, the potential materials to develop a Mo-99/Tc-99m generator were selected and evaluated regarding elution yield of Tc-99m and purity. Among the sorbents investigated in this study, mesoporous alumina (SA-517747) presented a unique sorption-elution profile. It demonstrated a high equilibrium and dynamic sorption capacity of 148 +/- 8 and 108 +/- 6 mg Mo/g. Furthermore, Tc-99m was eluted with high yield and adequate chemical, radiochemical, and radionuclidic purity. Therefore, this approach provides an efficient and cost-effective way to supply onsite Tc-99m for radiotracer applications independent of fission-produced Mo-99 technology.
LSA Mo-99, Tc-99 generators, industrial radiotracers, mesoporous alumina
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