A critical evaluation of cortical bone fracture toughness testing methods

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials(2022)

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Cortical bone fracture mechanics which quantifies the tissue's resistance to fracture is widely regarded as important to finding key determinants of bone fragility and fracture. Currently, the most widely used fracture mechanics approach is the J-integral resistance (J-R) curve as defined in ASTM E1820 standard. This standard employs an unloading compliance (UC) method to estimate crack extension, necessary for fracture toughness and resistance curve (R-curve) quantification. Further, this UC method requires a series of unload-reload cycles to be conducted during the fracture test. However, cortical bone violates some assumptions on which the UC method is based, which are: no energy loss during the unload-reload cycles and any change in unloading compliance is only due to crack extension. Consequently, the aim of this study was to examine the impact of the UC method on the accuracy of fracture toughness measurement for bovine cortical bone. Ten pairs of single edged notched bend specimens were prepared from the posterior diaphysis of bovine tibiae and underwent three-point bending fracture tests. The paired specimens were divided into two groups: a cyclic loaded group and a monotonic loaded group. Further, crack extension was determined by the UC method for the cyclic group and by an optical method for both the cyclic and monotonic groups. From these, three different approaches were used to generate J-R curves from which three fracture toughness parameters were computed and compared between the three approaches. This comparison allowed the impact of crack extension estimation by the UC method as well as the unload-reload cycles on the accuracy of the fracture toughness measures to be assessed. Results show that the UC method underestimates crack extension by an average error of 73%. In addition, the combined effects from crack extension estimation using the UC method and the unload-reload cycles lead to a significant overestimation of the specimen's fracture toughness measures. This highlights the need for more studies to establish a standardized approach to cortical bone fracture testing.
Cortical bone,Fracture mechanics,Fracture testing,J-integral,Unloading compliance
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