Reducing waiting times from 65 to under 40 days for children and adolescents receiving mental health services using a new scheduling policy.

Anders N Gullhav, Johan F Skomsvoll, Runa Heimstad,Joseph S Schultz

Health services management research(2022)

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The aim of this study is to conduct an intervention that tests whether a new scheduling policy designed to reduce waiting times actually will lead to a reduction in waiting times. The new scheduling policy was developed using mixed methods. Qualitative data was gathered to fully understand current planning processes, while quantitative methods were used to model and predict future waiting times. If current planning practices are continued, waiting times will only increase. Additionally, the findings show that simulation modeling can be used to predict the capacity needed for intakes (first appointment) to reduce and maintain target waiting times over time. In our study, this meant a slight increase in capacity for intakes. This new scheduling policy led to a reduction in waiting times from 65 days in 2016, to under 40 days post-intervention in 2017. Waiting times have been held under 40 days since implementation of the new policy, 2017-2020. Our study shows that setting appropriate (weekly) intake goals, will lead to maintaining acceptable levels of variation in waiting times. This theory was tested and proven to be effective.
access to health services,computer simulation,health service utilization,hospital management,innovation,mental health services,multidisciplinary teams,operations research
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