VERMILION: Visitor Extension spectRal sub-Mid-Infrared Light InterferOmeter iNstrument

Massinissa Hadjara,Romain G. Petrov,Stéphane Lagarde, Xinyang Chen, Jinhua He, Lei Zhu,Bruno Lopez,Florentin Millour,Anthony Meilland,Alexandre Gallenne,James H. Leftley,Abdelkarim Boskri, Juncheng Chen,Ernest Michael, Marcos Diaz,Rene Mendez,Amelia Bayo, Miguel Piña,Gabriel Pereira, Sebastian Manosalva,Christian Nitschelm, Juan Colque,Congcong Zhang, Dan Zhou,Fatmé Allouche,Yinlei Hao, Amokrane Berdja,Felipe Besser,Clémentine Marie Zélia Bechet, Andrés Guesalaga Meissner,Leonardo Vanzi, Abderrahmane Mezaoui, Nourredine Moussaoui

Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII(2022)

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VERMILION is a VLTI visitor instrument project intended to extend the sensitivity and the spectral coverage of Optical Long Baseline Interferometry (OLBIn). It is based on a new concept of Fringe Tracker (VERMILION-FT) combined with a J band spectro-interferometer (VERMILION-J). The Fringe Tracker is the Adaptive Optics module specific to OLBIn that measures and corrects in real time the Optical Path Difference (OPD) perturbations introduced by the atmosphere and the interferometer, by providing a sensitivity gain of 2 to 3 magnitudes over all other state of the art fringe trackers. The J band spectro-interferometer will provide all interferometric measurements as a function of wavelength. In addition to a possible synergy with MATISSE, VERMILION-J, by observing at high spectral resolution many strong lines in J (Pa beta-gamma, HeII, TiO and other metallic monoxides), will cover several scientific topics, e.g. Exoplanets, YSOs, Binaries, Active Hot, Evolved stars, Asteroseismology, and also AGNs.
Interferometry, Spectroscopy, High Angular Resolution, Co-phasing, Instrumentation, Stellar Physics, AGNs
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