A simple surgical mask modification to pass N95 respirator-equivalent fit testing standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Agnes Z Dardas, Viviana M Serra Lopez,Lauren M Boden,Daniel J Gittings, Kevin Heym, Emily Koerber,Taras Grosh,Jaimo Ahn

PLOS ONE(2022)

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Background The COVID-19 pandemic has infected hundreds of millions of people resulting in millions of deaths worldwide. While N95 respirators remain the gold standard as personal protective equipment, they are resource-intensive to produce and obtain. Surgical masks, easier to produce and obtain, filter >= 95% submicron particles but are less protective due to a lack of seal around a user's face. This study tested the ability of a simple surgical mask modification using rubber bands to create a seal against particle exposure that would pass N95 standards. Methods and findings Forty healthcare workers underwent TSI PortaCount mask fit testing using an ASTM Level 1 surgical mask modified with rubber bands. Fit Factor was determined after testing four standard OSHA N95 fit testing scenarios. Performance of the properly-modified surgical mask was compared to that of a poorly-modified surgical mask, an unmodified standard surgical mask, and an N95 respirator. Thirty-one of forty (78%) healthcare workers passed Fit Factor testing using a properly-modified mask. The Fit Factor success rate significantly improved by subsequent test date (p = 0.043), but was not associated with any other participant characteristics. The average Fit Factor score for the properly-modified mask was 151 (SD 65.2), a significantly better fit than the unmodified mask score of 3.8 (SD 3.1, p<0.001) and the poorly-modified mask score of 24.6 (SD 48.4, p<0.001) but significantly lower than a properly fitted N95 score of 199 (SD 4.5, p<0.001).do. Conclusions Rubber bands, a low-cost and easily-accessible modification, can improve the seal and protective ability of a standard surgical mask to the level of an N95 respirator. This could mitigate N95 respirator shortages worldwide and provide individuals in under-resourced regions a practical means for increased personal respiratory protection.
simple surgical mask modification,respirator-equivalent
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