Information Optimization and Transferable State Abstractions in Deep Reinforcement Learning

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(2023)

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While humans and animals learn incrementally during their lifetimes and exploit their experience to solve new tasks, standard deep reinforcement learning methods specialize to solve only one task at a time. As a result, the information they acquire is hardly reusable in new situations. Here, we introduce a new perspective on the problem of leveraging prior knowledge to solve future tasks. We show that learning discrete representations of sensory inputs can provide a high-level abstraction that is common across multiple tasks, thus facilitating the transference of information. In particular, we show that it is possible to learn such representations by self-supervision, following an information theoretic approach. Our method is able to learn abstractions in locomotive and optimal control tasks that increase the sample efficiency in both known and unknown tasks, opening a new path to endow artificial agents with generalization abilities.
Deep reinforcement learning,transfer learning,representation learning,information theory
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