Meta-Learned Metrics over Multi-Evolution Temporal Graphs

KDD '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(2022)

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Graph metric learning methods aim to learn the distance metric over graphs such that similar (e.g., same class) graphs are closer and dissimilar (e.g., different class) graphs are farther apart. This is of critical importance in many graph classification applications such as drug discovery and epidemics categorization. Most, if not all, graph metric learning techniques consider the input graph as static, and largely ignore the intrinsic dynamics of temporal graphs. However, in practice, a graph typically has heterogeneous dynamics (e.g., microscopic and macroscopic evolution patterns). As such, labeling a temporal graph is usually expensive and also requires background knowledge. To learn a good metric over temporal graphs, we propose a temporal graph metric learning framework, Temp-GFSM. With only a few labeled temporal graphs, Temp-GFSM outputs a good metric that can accurately classify different temporal graphs and be adapted to discover new subspaces for unseen classes. Each proposed component in Temp-GFSM answers the following questions: What patterns are evolving in a temporal graph? How to weigh these patterns to represent the characteristics of different temporal classes? And how to learn the metric with the guidance from only a few labels? Finally, the experimental results on real-world temporal graph classification tasks from various domains show the effectiveness of our Temp-GFSM.
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