Trajectories towards a voluntary simplicity lifestyle and inner growth

Journal of Consumer Culture(2023)

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Although there is an increase in research on different aspects of voluntary simplicity (VS), there is less understanding of the trajectories that individuals follow when adopting a voluntary simplicity lifestyle, and how transitioning to this lifestyle relates to inner growth. The aim of the paper is to examine the role of inner growth on differentiating voluntary simplicity from other lifestyles. We draw on the framework of resonance by Rosa (2019) Resonance. A sociology of our relationship to the world. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, who claims the need to move from a state of permanent search for material resources, to develop a resonant relationship with the world. Resonance is a way of relating to the world, where individuals and the world mutually affect each other in an interactive way. Seventeen in-depth interviews were held with voluntary simplifiers living in Chile. The findings propose a model that identifies three different trajectories that people follow to achieve a voluntary simplicity lifestyle and the implication for inner growth as a result of more resonant relationships with the world.
voluntary simplicity,lifestyle,trajectory,inner growth,resonance,Chile
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