Red Junglefowl Resource Management Guide: Bioresource Reintroduction for Sustainable Food Security in Thailand


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The domestication of wild animals represents a major milestone for human civilization. Chicken is the largest domesticated livestock species and used for both eggs and meat. Chicken originate from the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Its adaptability to diverse environments and ease of selective breeding provides a unique genetic resource to address the challenges of food security in a world impacted by climatic change and human population growth. Habitat loss has caused population declines of red junglefowl in Thailand. However, genetic diversity is likely to remain in captive stocks. We determine the genetic diversity using microsatellite genotyping and the mitochondrial D-loop sequencing of wild red junglefowl. We identified potential distribution areas in Thailand using maximum entropy models. Protected areas in the central and upper southern regions of Thailand are highly suitable habitats. The Bayesian clustering analysis of the microsatellite markers revealed high genetic diversity in red junglefowl populations in Thailand. Our model predicted that forest ranges are a highly suitable habitat that has enabled the persistence of a large gene pool with a nationwide natural distribution. Understanding the red junglefowl allows us to implement improved resource management, species reintroduction, and sustainable development to support food security objectives for local people.
red junglefowl, gene pool, reintroduction, habitat suitability, food security
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