Study on Mine Tailings Classification Effected by Co-disposal of Drilling Wastes with Geochemical Cations

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration(2022)

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Coal refuse impoundments are disposal facilities specifically designed for the coal mining industry. Re-purposing refuse impoundments for co-disposal with natural gas flowback water and waste rock overburden has been investigated. The aims of this study were to investigate properties of coal refuse classification under the influence of co-disposed wastes as geochemical material exposure pathways from hydraulically exposed sodium and calcium (Na + , Ca 2+ ) cation loading from disposal of flowback water produced during the development of horizontal drilled natural shale gas frack wells, and waste rock having limestone characteristics. The geotechnical index classification of saturated cohesionless refuse is required to evaluate the liquefaction potential for strain or strength loss contributing to ground movements. This study is relevant to identifying changes in the coal refuse geotechnical index classification as sand-like, clay-like, or a borderline transitional material from the effects of ion and waste exposure in the impoundment’s reservoir porewater. Laboratory geotechnical tests were performed on fine coal refuse blended with different cations to classify the altered plastic behavior and index classification. Following determination of the index classification, the specimen’s stress–strain responses were investigated through isotropically consolidated undrained (ICU) triaxial compression tests. This experimental study culminated with two salient findings: the first is that introduction of ions alone into the refuse tailings or impoundment porewater resulted in significant material changes in property index classification, and the second finding was that the difference in refuse index classification did not correlate into noticeable effects of the monotonic undrained triaxial strength parameters.
Coal Refuse,Plasticity Index,Coarse Coal,Fine Coal,Sand-Like,Clay-Like
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