Binary Symmetric Polynomial-Based Protected Fair Secret Sharing and Secure Communication over Satellite Networks


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The rapid establishment of the low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite network in orbit has promoted the development of satellite communication technology. However, with the reduction of access conditions of satellite networks, the problems of data protection and secure communication have attracted extensive attention. A secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic technology that can disperse risks and tolerate intrusion by dividing and storing secrets. Using secret sharing technology in satellite communication can realize information security and data confidentiality. However, if there are cheaters among the participants, existing secret sharing schemes cannot prevent cheaters from sharing secrets exclusively, even if they can detect attacks. For this reason, this paper proposes a satellite based on binary symmetric polynomials protected fair secret sharing and secure communication scheme. In satellite secret refactoring, this scheme can produce a shared session key between two participants, no other key agreement processes, and reduce the scheme in the shared secret and the actual communication satellite application complexity. Users use the session key to encrypt communication to improve security and resist external attacks. The safety and fairness of the scheme are proved against the four attack models. Compared with the existing schemes, the scheme has a lower cost of deception identification on the premise of satisfying security and fairness. This scheme does not require any cryptographic assumptions and is unconditionally secure.
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