Case Study: Malaysia. Recognising Green Skills in Non-formal Learning Settings

Education for Sustainability Recognizing Green Skills Through Non-formal Learning(2022)

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AbstractThis chapter analyses the results of a study on recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of non-formal and informal learning outcomes based on interviews with staff from five enterprises, two in the automotive sector, two in catering services and one in PVC manufacturing. Both formal and informal enterprises were interviewed. Interviews with the enterprises across three sectors showed that most employers in both formal and informal enterprises were not familiar with the term ‘green skills’. However, they were aware of environmental policies and regulations related to their respective sectors, and they encouraged the implementation of certain green practices in their enterprises by creating awareness among staff, promoting attitudinal changes, monitoring compliance with rules and regulations as well as integrating green skills into staff training programmes and RVA. Findings highlighted the importance of the need for employers to have guidelines on how enterprises can affect environmental sustainability. Results of the study also showed the centrality of the role of stakeholders—including both public and private enterprises as well as NGO sectors, consumer associations and government departments—in pushing for the inclusion of green skills in staff training and RVA mechanisms.
green skills,learning,study,non-formal
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